Recently I needed to create a simple way to backup alot of website's log files. The directory structure is such: C:\DemoSites\ | |----\Demo1 | | | |-----\Logs | |----\Demo2 | | | |-----\Logs | |----\Demo3 | | | |-----\Logs | |----\Demo4 | | | |-----\Logs | ... etc ... So I need to backup the log files inside each "Logs" directory, in a loop... Here is the batch file that takes care of it: 01: @ECHO OFF 02: 03: :: Get Today's Date in YYYYMMDD Format... 04: for /F "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ( 'date/t' ) do (set datevar=%%c%%a%%b) 05: 06: :: For each subdirectory of C:\DemoSites, Zip all log files in their Logs directories... 07: for /D %%d in (C:\DemoSites\*) do ( 08: if exist %%d\Logs ( 09: for /F "tokens=5 delims= " %%k in ( 'dir %%d\..\.' ) do ( 10: if exist %%d\..\%%k\Logs\*.* ( 11: if not exist... yourself a favor and go somewhere else...