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SQL Generation

Recently I wrote a console application that generates SQL code to populate a database with sample data. I wanted it to be as generic as possible, but it still relies on a Source database to get sample data from. The application is configurable in that it lets you specify which Database is the source database, as well which tables to get the data out of. I did not want this application to depend on any stored procedures; it needs to be self contained, which is why I'm hard-coding the table definition sql query.

So I call the console app via a batch file. The batch file calls the exe file, outputting the text to a file:

   01: @ECHO OFF

   02: bin\debug\SqlGenerator.exe > "C:\run.sql"

   03: ECHO done.

Here is the main method in the console app:

   01: class Program {

   02:     static void Main(string[] args) {

   03:          Console.WriteLine(Database.GenerateSQL());

   04:     }

   05: }

Here is the relevant excerpt from the App.config file:

   01: <appSettings>

   02:       <!-- 

   03:       GenerateSQL Possible values:

   04:         SystemData,

   05:         SampleData

   06:       -->

   07:       <add key="GenerateSQL" value="SystemData,SampleData"/>

   08:       <add key="SystemTables" value="StandardCommands,PaxScript,VersionInfo,Model,

   09:           Parameter,Forms,FormFieldTypes,FormFields,ListDefinition,

   10:           ListColumn,ListType,ListData"/>

   11:       <add key="SampleTables" value="Patient|WHERE PatientID &lt;= 7564,

   12:           Bridge,Device"/>

   13:   </appSettings>

Here is the Enum which the working class relies on:

   01: public enum DB : int {

   02:    SystemData = 0,

   03:    SampleData = 1

   04: }

Here is the entire working class
(Note: this class uses a database utility helper class, called "DBAccess", which is not included here. This post assumes you have a similar Database utility or framework in place)...

   01: class Database {


   03:    #region Private Properties

   04:    private static List<string> SystemDataTables {

   05:       get {

   06:          return new List<string>() {

   07:                 "StandardCommands",

   08:                 "PaxScript",

   09:                 "VersionInfo",

   10:                 "Model",

   11:                 "Parameter",

   12:                 "Forms",

   13:                 "FormFieldTypes",

   14:                 "FormFields",

   15:                 "ListDefinition",

   16:                 "ListColumn",

   17:                 "ListType",

   18:                 "ListData"

   19:             };

   20:       }

   21:    }

   22:    private static List<string> SampleDataTables {

   23:       get {

   24:          return new List<string>() {

   25:                 "Patient",

   26:                 "Bridge",

   27:                 "Device"

   28:             };

   29:       }

   30:    }

   31:    #endregion


   33:    public static string GenerateSQL() {

   34:       StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

   35:       if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GenerateSQL"] != null) {

   36:          List<DB> list = new List<DB>();

   37:          foreach (string s in ConfigurationManager

   38:              .AppSettings["GenerateSQL"].Split(',')) {

   39:             list.Add((DB)Enum.Parse(typeof(DB), s));

   40:          }

   41:          sb.Append(GenerateSQL(list));

   42:       } else

   43:          sb.Append(Database.GenerateSQL(new List<DB> { 

   44:                 DB.SystemData, DB.SampleData }));

   45:       return sb.ToString();

   46:    }

   47:    public static string GenerateSQL(List<DB> list) {

   48:       StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();


   50:       // Order them by precedence

   51:       // (in-case the App.config has the values out of order)...

   52:       var e = from o in list

   53:               orderby (int)o

   54:               select o;


   56:       foreach (var d in e) {

   57:          switch (d) {

   58:             case DB.SystemData:

   59:                sb.Append(SystemData());

   60:                break;

   61:             case DB.SampleData:

   62:                sb.Append(SampleData());

   63:                break;

   64:          }

   65:       }

   66:       return sb.ToString();

   67:    }


   69:    #region [ System Data ]

   70:    private static string SystemData() {

   71:       StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

   72:       if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SystemTables"] != null) {

   73:          foreach (string s in ConfigurationManager

   74:              .AppSettings["SystemTables"].Split(',')) {

   75:             if (s.Contains("|")) {

   76:                string[] parms = s.Split('|');

   77:                sb.Append(GenerateSqlFromTable(parms[0], parms[1]));

   78:             } else

   79:                sb.Append(GenerateSqlFromTable(s));

   80:          }

   81:       } else {

   82:          foreach (string s in SystemDataTables) {

   83:             sb.Append(GenerateSqlFromTable(s));

   84:          }

   85:       }

   86:       return sb.ToString();

   87:    }

   88:    #endregion


   90:    #region [ Sample Data ]

   91:    private static string SampleData() {

   92:       StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

   93:       if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SampleTables"] != null) {

   94:          foreach (string s in ConfigurationManager

   95:              .AppSettings["SampleTables"].Split(',')) {

   96:             if (s.Contains("|")) {

   97:                string[] parms = s.Split('|');

   98:                sb.Append(GenerateSqlFromTable(parms[0], parms[1]));

   99:             } else

  100:                sb.Append(GenerateSqlFromTable(s));

  101:          }

  102:       } else {

  103:          foreach (string s in SampleDataTables) {

  104:             sb.Append(GenerateSqlFromTable(s));

  105:          }

  106:       }

  107:       return sb.ToString();

  108:    }

  109:    #endregion


  111:    #region GenerateSqlFromTable overloads

  112:    private static string GenerateSqlFromTable(string tableName) {

  113:       return GenerateSqlFromTable(tableName, null);

  114:    }


  116:    private static string GenerateSqlFromTable(string tableName, 

  117:       string condition) {

  118:       StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

  119:       List<GenericTable> genTable = new List<GenericTable>();

  120:       DataSet ds = new DataSet();


  122:       // Store the Table definition in a List...

  123:       using (SqlDataReader rdr = DBAccess

  124:           .executeQuery(ColumnDefinitions(tableName))) {

  125:          if (rdr.HasRows) {

  126:             while (rdr.Read()) {

  127:                genTable.Add(new GenericTable {

  128:                   Column = DBAccess.ToStringValue(rdr["Column"]),

  129:                   Type = DBAccess.ToStringValue(rdr["Type"]),

  130:                   Width = DBAccess.ToInt16(rdr["Width"]),

  131:                   IsNullable = DBAccess.ToBool(rdr["IsNullable"]),

  132:                   DefaultValue = DBAccess.ToStringValue(rdr["DefaultValue"]),

  133:                   Length = DBAccess.ToInt16(rdr["Length"]),

  134:                   PrimaryKey = DBAccess.ToInt16(rdr["PrimaryKey"]),

  135:                   Identity = DBAccess.ToBool(rdr["Identity"])

  136:                });

  137:             }

  138:          }

  139:       }

  140:       var identityExists = (from cols in genTable

  141:                             where cols.Identity == true

  142:                             select cols).Any();


  144:       // Create the Select statement for the Source Database Table...

  145:       string sql = "select ";

  146:       foreach (var t in genTable) {

  147:          sql += String.Format("[{0}]{1}",

  148:              t.Column, (t == genTable.Last() ? "" : ", "));

  149:       }

  150:       sql += String.Format(" from {0} {1}", tableName, condition ?? "");

  151:       var s = genTable

  152:           .Where(o => o.PrimaryKey == 1)

  153:           .Select(o => o.Column).First();

  154:       if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(s))

  155:          sql += String.Format(" order by {0}", s);


  157:       // Convert DataReader to Dataset in order to 

  158:       // detect when you're on the last record.

  159:       using (SqlDataReader reader = DBAccess.executeQuery(sql)) {

  160:          ds = ConvertDataReaderToDataSet(reader);

  161:       }


  163:       // Right now it's really just 1 table, but that could change.

  164:       foreach (DataTable dt in ds.Tables) {

  165:          List<DataRow> rows = new List<DataRow>();

  166:          for (int x = 0; x < dt.Rows.Count; x++) {

  167:             rows.Add(dt.Rows[x]);

  168:          }


  170:          if (rows.Count > 0) {

  171:             if (identityExists) {

  172:                sb.AppendFormat("SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[{0}] ON\n",

  173:                    tableName);

  174:             }

  175:             // Get number of 100 record increments 

  176:             // and add them to a List of List<DataRow>

  177:             int chunks = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(rows.Count() / 100.0));

  178:             List<IEnumerable<DataRow>> rowsList =

  179:                 new List<IEnumerable<DataRow>>();

  180:             for (int c = 0; c < chunks; c++) {

  181:                var r = (from row in rows

  182:                         select row).Skip(c * 100).Take(100);

  183:                rowsList.Add(r);

  184:             }


  186:             // Enumerate through each 100 record increment...

  187:             foreach (var list in rowsList) {

  188:                sb.AppendFormat(@"INSERT [dbo].[{0}] (", tableName);

  189:                foreach (var t in genTable) {

  190:                   sb.AppendFormat(@"[{0}]{1}", t.Column,

  191:                       (t == genTable.Last() ? "" : ", "));

  192:                }

  193:                sb.Append(")\n");


  195:                int i = 0;

  196:                foreach (var dr in list) {

  197:                   sb.Append(@"select ");

  198:                   foreach (var t in genTable) {

  199:                      switch (t.Type.ToLower()) {

  200:                         case "varchar":

  201:                         case "nvarchar":

  202:                         case "char":

  203:                         case "nchar":

  204:                         case "text":

  205:                         case "ntext":

  206:                         case "datetime":

  207:                         case "smalldatetime":

  208:                         case "uniqueidentifier":

  209:                            if (t.IsNullable) {

  210:                               if (dr[t.Column] == DBNull.Value) {

  211:                                  if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(t.DefaultValue))

  212:                                     sb.AppendFormat(@"N'{0}'", t.DefaultValue);

  213:                                  else

  214:                                     sb.Append("NULL");

  215:                               } else {

  216:                                  sb.AppendFormat(@"N'{0}'",

  217:                                      DBAccess.ToStringValue(dr[t.Column])

  218:                                          .Replace("'", "''"));

  219:                               }

  220:                            } else {

  221:                               sb.AppendFormat(@"N'{0}'",

  222:                                   DBAccess.ToStringValue(dr[t.Column])

  223:                                       .Replace("'", "''"));

  224:                            }

  225:                            break;

  226:                         case "image":  // Cannot Convert IMAGE to String

  227:                            sb.Append("NULL");

  228:                            if (dr[t.Column] != DBNull.Value) {

  229:                               MessageBox.Show(String.Format(

  230:                                   "{0}.[{1}] has a valid value for an " +

  231:                                       "Image data type in Source Database!",

  232:                                   tableName, t.Column));

  233:                            }

  234:                            break;

  235:                         case "bit":

  236:                            sb.AppendFormat(@"{0}",

  237:                                ((t.IsNullable) ?

  238:                                    (dr[t.Column] == DBNull.Value) ?

  239:                                    ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(t.DefaultValue)) ?

  240:                                        t.DefaultValue : "NULL") :

  241:                                    DBAccess.ToStringValue(DBAccess

  242:                                        .ToInt16(dr[t.Column]))

  243:                                : DBAccess.ToStringValue(DBAccess

  244:                                        .ToInt16(dr[t.Column]))

  245:                            ));

  246:                            break;

  247:                         default:

  248:                            sb.AppendFormat(@"{0}",

  249:                                ((t.IsNullable) ?

  250:                                    (dr[t.Column] == DBNull.Value) ?

  251:                                    ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(t.DefaultValue)) ?

  252:                                        t.DefaultValue : "NULL") :

  253:                                    DBAccess.ToStringValue(dr[t.Column])

  254:                                : DBAccess.ToStringValue(dr[t.Column])

  255:                            ));

  256:                            break;

  257:                      }

  258:                      sb.Append((t == genTable.Last()) ? "" : ", ");

  259:                   }

  260:                   sb.Append((++i < list.Count()) ? " union all\n" : "\n\n");

  261:                }  /* finished with IEnumerable<DataRow> */

  262:             }  /* finished with List<IEnumerable<DataRow>> */

  263:             if (identityExists) {

  264:                sb.AppendFormat("SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[{0}] OFF\n\n",

  265:                    tableName);

  266:             }

  267:          }

  268:       } /* finished with DataTable */

  269:       return sb.ToString();

  270:    }

  271:    #endregion


  273:    #region Helper Methods

  274:    private static string ColumnDefinitions(string TableName) {

  275:       string ret = String.Format(@"

  276: select 

  277:     sc.[name] as 'Column', 

  278:     syt.[name] as 'Type', 

  279:     sc.prec as 'Width', 

  280:     sc.IsNullable, 

  281:     dc.[definition] as 'DefaultValue',

  282:     sc.[Length],

  283:     case when 

  284:         sc.[name] in (

  285:             select sc2.[name]

  286:             from sys.columns sc2 

  287:             inner join sys.tables st on sc2.object_id = st.object_id

  288:             inner join sys.indexes si on sc2.object_id = si.object_id

  289:             inner join sys.index_columns sic 

  290:                on st.object_id = sic.object_id 

  291:                and si.index_id = sic.index_id 

  292:                and sc2.column_id = sic.column_id

  293:             where st.[name] = '{0}'

  294:               and is_primary_key = '1') then 1

  295:     else 0

  296:     end as 'PrimaryKey',

  297:     case when

  298:         sc.[name] in (

  299:             select sc3.[name]

  300:             from sys.columns sc3

  301:             inner join sys.objects so 

  302:                on sc3.object_id = so.object_id

  303:             where so.[name] = '{0}'

  304:               and so.[type] = 'U'

  305:               and sc3.[is_identity] = 1) then 1

  306:     else 0 end as 'Identity'

  307: from syscolumns sc

  308: inner join systypes syt 

  309:     on sc.xusertype = syt.xusertype 

  310:     and sc.xtype = syt.xtype

  311: left join sys.default_constraints dc 

  312:     on sc.cdefault = dc.object_id

  313: where = OBJECT_ID('{0}')

  314: and syt.[name] <> 'sysname'", TableName);

  315:       return ret;

  316:    }


  318:    private static DataSet ConvertDataReaderToDataSet(

  319:        SqlDataReader reader) {

  320:       DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();

  321:       do {

  322:          DataTable schemaTable = reader.GetSchemaTable();

  323:          DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();

  324:          if (schemaTable != null) {

  325:             for (int i = 0; i < schemaTable.Rows.Count; i++) {

  326:                DataRow dataRow = schemaTable.Rows[i];

  327:                string columnName = (string)dataRow["ColumnName"];

  328:                DataColumn column = new DataColumn(columnName,

  329:                    (Type)dataRow["DataType"]);

  330:                dataTable.Columns.Add(column);

  331:             }


  333:             dataSet.Tables.Add(dataTable);

  334:             while (reader.Read()) {

  335:                DataRow dataRow = dataTable.NewRow();

  336:                for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++)

  337:                   dataRow[i] = reader.GetValue(i);

  338:                dataTable.Rows.Add(dataRow);

  339:             }

  340:          } else {

  341:             // No records were returned

  342:             DataColumn column = new DataColumn("RowsAffected");

  343:             dataTable.Columns.Add(column);

  344:             dataSet.Tables.Add(dataTable);

  345:             DataRow dataRow = dataTable.NewRow();

  346:             dataRow[0] = reader.RecordsAffected;

  347:             dataTable.Rows.Add(dataRow);

  348:          }

  349:       }

  350:       while (reader.NextResult());

  351:       return dataSet;

  352:    }

  353:    #endregion


  355:    #region Helper Classes

  356:    private class GenericTable {

  357:       public string Column { get; set; }

  358:       public string Type { get; set; }

  359:       public int Width { get; set; }

  360:       public bool IsNullable { get; set; }

  361:       public int Length { get; set; }

  362:       public string DefaultValue { get; set; }

  363:       public int PrimaryKey { get; set; }

  364:       public bool Identity { get; set; }

  365:    }

  366:    #endregion

  367: }


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